Home Virginia Politics T-Mac on McDonnell/Cooch Anti-Health Reform Push: “This is all bogus”

T-Mac on McDonnell/Cooch Anti-Health Reform Push: “This is all bogus”


Good for Terry McAuliffe, calling out Bob McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli for their crusade against health care coverage for all Virginians.

Both Republicans, McAuliffe told CNN, “are playing a divisive game of politics that hurts Virginia families and clearly hurts and affects the health care of millions of Virginians.”

“This is all bogus,” he said in a phone interview. “It’s nothing more than pure politics. These lawsuits will not be successful. This is more about playing to their own political base.”

What’s ironic is that many in the Republican “base,” particularly those in the middle and working classes, will benefit greatly from health care reform. So, as usual, Republicans are working against their own self interest, but apparently oblivious that they are doing so. Crazy.

P.S. See here for more on the McDonnell/Cooch news conference this afternoon, “where the governor ceremoniously signed a bill that will make it illegal for the state to require citizens to purchase health care.” As Terry McAuliffe said, “this is all bogus.”


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