Check out the following press release from the Democratic Party of Virginia regarding “MAGA Glenn” Youngkin’s latest doubling down of “support for Trump’s destructive agenda.” Along these same lines, check out Marc Fisher’s WaPo column this morning, which argues, correctly, that:
- Virginia “Republicans are a virtually undifferentiated Party of Trump.”
- “Republican voters learned they would be offered this menu of mind-numbing sameness in the June 17 primary”
- “The big issue in the primary now is who shows the most fealty to Trump.”
- “A contest over who is most loyal to Trump, wrote Derrick Max, president of the conservative Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, “is an interesting strategy in a state he didn’t win.””
- “…this spring, you Republican voters get to choose from two candidates who brandished weapons, two who sought to overturn a presidential election and three who love what’s happening in Washington. Enjoy!”
Following Donald Trump’s joint address to Congress, Governor Glenn Youngkin doubled down on his support of Trump’s increasing attacks on Virginia’s economy and workforce. Youngkin tweeted on Wednesday morning that “America is back” and “common-sense prevails” as thousands of Virginians face the looming threat of losing their jobs and health care.Youngkin has repeatedly voiced his support for Trump’s destructive agenda. At a press conference last week, he said that Trump should “press forward” even as he admitted “Virginians will be hurt.” He also directed laid-off workers to simply search for jobs on LinkedIn and Indeed and update their resumes.
“How can Glenn Youngkin look a Virginian in the eye who has just lost their job? How can he look a disabled veteran in the eye who’s worried about losing health care? How can he look a single mother in the eye who can’t afford to put food on the table? The truth is, he can because he doesn’t care about the people he’s supposed to serve,” said DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker. “Virginians deserve a governor who will put Virginia first—not someone who eagerly defends a harmful agenda at every turn.”