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Thursday News: Trump Freak Show Comes to Richmond; Jim Webb Gets Lots of Love…from Republicans


by Lowell

Here are a few Virginia and national news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, October 15. And yes, sad to say, the Webb campaign is busy retweeting praise from the farthest of far-right blogs, like the “Daily Caller.” Gack.

Newly Released Democratic Debate Ratings Prove That Voters Want Substance (In contrast, the Republican field and debates are a freak show.)
Clinton’s strong debate is general election warning for GOP
Clinton’s dominance at debate complicates Biden’s path
In dramatic change, Democrats thrust guns into election (It’s about time, given that 80%+ of Americans support commonsense gun safety measures.)
Second Republican Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Was ‘Designed To Go After’ Clinton
Obama to Announce Halt of U.S. Troop Withdrawal in Afghanistan
Here’s how the left wins in 2016: Why retaking the Senate is crucial for the progressive agenda (“Amid the presidential hoopla, we’re giving Senate races short shrift, but their outcomes will determine the agenda”)
Mitch McConnell’s debt limit bluff: The Senate leader knows he has no leverage, but he has to pretend
Should Jim Webb be included in next GOP debate? (Not a bad question, actually, as he’d fit in very well there.)
Jim Webb Is Just Fine With All the Republican Love (“Conservatives called him a hero following his debate performance.” That tells you all you need to know.)
Va. Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Sen. Tim Kaine to discuss gun violence prevention efforts
Virginia Democrats step up fundraising ahead of November
State, teacher pension plan funding improves
Trump whips up Va. crowd with critique of Democrats’ debate (A demagogue leading a mob.)
Campaign 2016: In Richmond visit, Trump targets Bernie Sanders
State’s online absentee ballot request system ready to go
Appeals court puts Maureen McDonnell’s case on hold (On and on and on we go…)
Study: Norfolk will sink into sea as climate heats up (“A new report says the number of people living on land destined to be reclaimed by rising sea levels increases dramatically if carbon dioxide emissions continue unchecked or if West Antarctica’s ice sheet is as unstable as recent studies suggest.”)
Chesapeake waters warming, study finds, posing challenges for ailing bay (We need to stop this ASAP by getting off of fossil fuels and switching to clean energy – solar, wind, energy efficiency, etc.)

Invest in port, future (“The Port of Virginia is one of the region’s biggest economic engines, supporting 375,000 jobs and generating an annual impact of $60 billion. It is the third-busiest port on the East Coast behind Savannah, Ga., and New York and is poised to leverage its deep drafts and rail connection to the Midwest for continued growth. Trouble is, it’s running out of space.”)
Gov. Terry McAuliffe optimistic about Roanoke’s prospects for landing Deschutes Brewery
Worried about pipeline-related erosion and sediment, counties seek DEQ involvement
Chesapeake waste firm, city at impasse over location, use permit
D.C. area forecast: Today is sunny and comfy; The weekend? Sweater weather!


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