by Lowell
Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for “Snowzilla” Digout Sunday, January 24.
- A blizzard for the ages (“Digging out after historic storm brings the Washington region to a standstill”)
- Vladimir Putin’s poison tea (Except by lunatic Donald Trump and some other Republicans who loveloveLOVE former KGB thug Putin.)
- Trump: I could shoot people in streets and not lose support (Yes, a candidate for public office in America – PRESIDENT no less – says bizarre, crazy, extreme s*** like this all the time, yet he’s leading the polls among Republican primary caucus and voters. What, I ask, does that say about Republican caucus and primary voters?)
- Presidential Race Is Such a Mess That Bloomberg Considers Independent Run (I strongly doubt there’s any groundswell for Michael Bloomberg…)
- They’re all just this deluded and deranged: Anti-intellectual religious wing-nuts run the GOP (“Faith-inspired lunacy runs wild across the globe — and also at the GOP presidential debate” That about sums it up.)
- The GOP’s Trump meltdown hits critical mass — but can the right’s empty suits stop him now?
- Iowa’s Des Moines Register endorses Clinton, Rubio(The question, particularly on the Republican side, is whether anyone cares about newspaper endorsements anymore…)
- Schapiro: GOP’s fingerprints all over AG guidelines on guns (“Republicans also wrote the procedures and standards for determining whether Virginia should recognize the concealed weapons laws of other states. A Democratic attorney general is operating by their rules. Republicans are incensed by his interpretation and are prepared to impose their own — by dismantling their own handwork.”)
- Incentive fund gets assembly’s attention
- Betting on winners; after they’ve won in Virginia politics (“The winners in Virginia’s legislative election last November also won lots of new friends in the weeks that followed Election Day. Those friends have deep pockets and big interests at stake in the General Assembly.” And THAT, my friends, is the definition both of “politics as usual and “corruption.”)
- Our view: Goodwill hunting (“If you look close enough at the campaign finance reports that political candidates in Virginia file, you’ll find some curious entries.” Speaking of corruption…)
- Editorial: Virginia lawmakers make assault on your right to know on several fronts (“And who introduced the legislation, by the way? Why, none other than Tommy Norment — whose No. 1 campaign donor just happens to be the Virginia Bankers Association. What a coincidence.” Yet more corruption.)
- David B. Oakley: The Old Dominion gives birth to gay marriage in the South
- Editorial: The Beach’s slippery slope on tax rebates
- With most of Va. blanketed in snow, freezing rain, sleet falls across Hampton Roads
- Crews rescue dog from ice covered lake (“Firefighters rescued a St. Bernard from a frozen pond in Fairfax County on Friday. The dog was in the water for 30 minutes before emergency crews arrived.”)
- No flights out of Reagan, Dulles airports Sunday; runways closed for snow removal
- Despite a blizzard and no Metro, some employees still need to get to work
- Snowzilla, biggest snow on record in Baltimore, top 5 in D.C., has ended