Home 2019 Elections VA-8th CD GOP Nominee Hangs with Some Seriously Unsavory Characters; Go Don...

VA-8th CD GOP Nominee Hangs with Some Seriously Unsavory Characters; Go Don Beyer!


That’s Charles Hernick, nominee of the 8th CD GOP, which strongly supports Donald Trump for President, hanging with some seriously unsavory characters (clockwise): 1) Carly Fiorina (remember this?); 2) Eric Can’tor (defeated by the even more deporable – if that’s possible – Dave Brat); 3) George “Felix Macawitz” Allen (see the leader of America’s top racist group explains Allen’s long and cozy history with white supremacists.); 4) Donald Trump-endorsing/slimeball lobbyist Ed Gillespie; 5) the truly deplorable Newt Gingrich (see Newt Gingrich Says Trump Supporters Should ā€œMonitorā€ Polling Stations for his latest lunacy).

Fortunately, 8th CD voters have an infinitely superior choice for Congress — the man I’m proud to call my Congressman, a true leader on the most important issues facing us (#1 being climate change, of course). Of course, Beyer will crush Hernick, but let’s run up the score both for Beyer AND for Hillary Clinton on November 8th against Hernick, Trump and the entire John Birch Society, alt-right, former “Party of Lincoln.”


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