PHOTOS: Obama Hosts Town Hall at NOVA Annandale


    President Barack Obama visited Northern Virginia Community College’s Annandale campus earlier today for a town hall forum on reducing the deficit. More photos below the flip, click to embiggen. {UPDATE by Lowell: For a transcript of President Obama’s remarks, click here}

    Obama Town Hall at NOVA Annandale

    Obama Town Hall at NOVA Annandale

    Obama ditches the coat following prepared remarks and takes questions from the crowd.

    Obama Town Hall at NOVA Annandale

    Delegate Mark Keam (D-Vienna) snaps a photo of Obama answering a question on Medicare.

    Obama Town Hall at NOVA Annandale

    Obama listens to a question on higher education funding.

    Obama Town Hall at NOVA Annandale

    A nursing student mentions that she is beyond the traditional age for a college student, prompting Obama to quip that she is not quite that old.

    Obama Town Hall at NOVA Annandale

    President Obama shakes hands with State Senator Dave Marsden (D-Fairfax).

    Obama Town Hall at NOVA Annandale

    Greeting the crowd before his exit.

    Photos ©2011 Kenton Ngo. Like what you see? Buy a print! Follow Kenton on Flickr, Twitter.


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