Home Dominion Power Dominion Virginia Lobbyist Attended Conference Sponsored by “Groups Promoting Climate Change Denial”

Dominion Virginia Lobbyist Attended Conference Sponsored by “Groups Promoting Climate Change Denial”


Dominion Energy scrapes the bottom of the barrel yet again, this time joining “groups promoting climate change denial [who] sponsored a two-day conference which brought together energy executives and lobbyists with Trump administration officials.”

According to the conference’s agenda, which DeSmog has obtained exclusively, the participating energy and utility companies included Dominion Energy, General Electric, and Georgia Power. Officials from the Departments of Energy and the Interior were among the panelists.

The event, billed as a “State Energy Policy Summit,” was organized by the State Policy Network (SPN), a powerful group of think tanks pushing states to adopt conservative policies. Both the SPN and its ally the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) are funded by an array of corporations, right-wing groups, and wealthy conservative donors that include brothers Charles and David Koch.

The conference, which took place from December 7-8, 2017 in Washington, D.C., was sponsored by the Thomas Jefferson Institute and The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation — two groups that promote climate change denial — and the Consumer Energy Alliance, an advocacy group working on behalf of the oil and gas industry.

Particularly barf inducing: “Dominion was represented on the panel by Bill Murray, a long-time Virginia lobbyist for the company. At the time of the panel, Murray, a Democrat, was serving on newly elected governor Ralph Northam’s transition team.”  

As I said – barf. More to the point, it’s long past time for Virginia Democrats to tell Dominion where to shove its dirty money, its written-by/for-Dominion legislation, etc.

P.S. Great work by DeSmogBlog as always; way ahead of the corporate media, I’d add.



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