Home 2019 Elections Video: Virginia Senate Education & Health Committee Republicans Vote Down Medicaid Expansion...

Video: Virginia Senate Education & Health Committee Republicans Vote Down Medicaid Expansion Bills on Party-Line Vote


All I can say is that we really really really really really need to boot all these @#$@#! Virginia Republican Senators out of office next year. Yep, yet again this morning, Senate Education & Health Committee Republicans killed legislation that would – gasp, what a concept! – help actual Virginians (in this case, by expanding Medicaid coverage to hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens who currently don’t have access to health care coverage).  See below for some video of the vote. Also see video of Virginians lining up to speak in support of Medicaid expansion (note that the only one speaking against it was the Koch brothers’ tool, who of course the Republicans fell in line behind – grrrrrr.).


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