Home VA GOP Video: VA GOP Chair John Whitbeck on Hardball Epitomizes Why Everyone Needs...

Video: VA GOP Chair John Whitbeck on Hardball Epitomizes Why Everyone Needs to Vote Democratic Up and Down the Ballot


Want some warped entertainment? Just watch this video (below) of Virginia GOP John Whitbeck on Hardball last night. Among other things, Whitbeck attempts to defend the indefensible — Trump point-blank admitting he lied to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and bragging about his complete ignorance. Whitbeck’s brain-dead responses: a) it’s “a liberal calling Donald Trump a liar” and b) “this president does everything unorthodox.”

Uhhh…what??? As Chris Matthews responds, sarcastically, “lying is now unorthodox.” Of course, I’d say “unbelievable” except it’s totally believable for Republicans to act this way. Oh, and if that’s not bad enough, Whitbeck tries to defend Trump on the lying itself. Then it gets even worse, with Whitbeck claiming that Conor Lamb is somehow WITH Donald Trump on guns and other stuff. In fact, as David Weigel of the Washington Post writes: “Lamb did not run as a Trump supporter. He ran against the tax cuts, not for them. His abortion stance was a lot like that of Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) — while personally opposing abortion, he was against new restrictions on the procedure, a position that inspired a Family Research Council ad comparing him to Kim Jong Un.” As for Lamb’s position on healthcare, “Lamb criticized the GOP attempt to repeal Obamacare and called for bipartisan efforts to stabilize its markets.” So yeah…just like Trump, Ryan, McConnell etc. Not.

In sum, if you enjoy the GOP’s war on reality, as demonstrated by the VA GOP Chair last night on Hardball, then by all means vote Republican. If you prefer those pesky things known as “facts,” then not only vote Democratic up and down the ballot, but donate to your favorite Democratic candidate(s), volunteer for them, encourage your friends/family/neighbors to vote Democratic, etc. Sure, it will make the VA GOP folks sad, but it will be good for everyone else.

P.S. Also, can anyone translate Whitbeck’s mindless word salad into English for me? I’m having trouble comprehending what the hell he was talking about (e.g., “MAGA agenda”).


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