Home Abigail Spanberger House Votes 245-182 to Block Trump’s Phony Border “Emergency”: Every Virginia Dem...

House Votes 245-182 to Block Trump’s Phony Border “Emergency”: Every Virginia Dem Votes to Defend the Constitution; Every Virginia Republican Votes to Trash It


The U.S. House of Representatives just voted, 245-182, to block Trump’s phony, outrageous, unconstitutional “emergency” declaration regarding the U.S. border with Mexico. As far as I can determine, anyone who voted NOT to block this declaration was voting against the rule of law, separation of powers, checks and balances, and really the U.S. constitution itself.

What kind of person would do that? For starters, Virginia Republicans. As you can see here, every Democratic Congressperson from Virginia (Reps. Elaine Luria, Bobby Scott, Donald McEachin, Abigail Spanberger, Don Beyer, Jennifer Wexton and Gerry Connolly) voted the right way on this, while every single Republican Congressperson from Virginia (Reps. Rob Wittman, Denver Riggleman, Ben Cline and Morgan Griffith) voted the wrong way. ‘Nuff said.

Also, see below for statements by Rep. Beyer and Rep. Spanberger. I’ll add others as I see them.

Beyer Votes For Resolution To Overturn Trump’s Emergency Declaration

February 26, 2019 (Washington, D.C.) – Rep. Beyer this evening voted for H.J. Res. 46, a Joint Resolution sponsored by Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) to overturn President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency. The measure passed with significant bipartisan support in the House and will face a Senate vote within a few days.

“My oath of office to support and defend the Constitution required that I must reject President Trump’s fake national emergency,” said Rep. Beyer. “President Trump asked Congress to spend money on a useless wall, which he had previously promised Mexico would provide. The people’s Representatives rejected his request. Article I of the Constitution clearly delegates the power of the purse to Congress, but the President nevertheless decided that he would try to take money over Congress’ objections for his own purposes. I am heartened by my Republican colleagues who joined us in doing our duty to the Constitution, though it is unfortunate that there were so few of them. This should have been an easy call.”

Rep. Beyer recently returned from a Congressional Delegation visit to Central America, where he learned from heads of state, law enforcement leaders, and US diplomatic staff about the forces that drive irregular migration to the United States and American efforts to help improve conditions in the region.

Spanberger Votes with Bipartisan Majority to Overturn National Emergency Declaration, Preserve Checks & Balances 

The Congresswoman Helped Introduce the Bipartisan Resolution, Which Would Dismiss the President’s Proclamation

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today released the following statement after voting with a majority of the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a bipartisan resolution—which Spanberger cosponsored—to end the administration’s national emergency declaration.

“The national emergency declaration was a drastic overstep of Executive authority. Congress is entrusted with the power of the purse, so I found it deeply troubling that the President chose to expand his presidential powers, rather than respect the legislative process and the best judgment of lawmakers. Under this declaration, funding for key military projects in Virginia and across the country could be diverted towards the southern border, which could actually weaken—not strengthen—national security.

“In contrast, the funding deal passed by Congress earlier this month was the result of bipartisan, bicameral negotiations—and it actually included strong investments in border security infrastructure. We shouldn’t appropriate taxpayer dollars through executive fiat, especially when Congress has already deliberated and made a decision. Instead, we should respect the constitutional responsibilities of the legislative branch to reach hard-fought compromises. When these duties are intentionally undermined, we have an obligation to speak up.

“I’m proud to cosponsor and help pass this bipartisan resolution, which would defend the critical checks and balances enshrined in the Constitution. Members of Congress must immediately reassert the importance of the separation of powers on which our system of government was founded. It shouldn’t be a partisan issue. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to support this resolution.”

The Spanberger-backed resolution now advances to the U.S. Senate, where it must be considered for a vote within 18 days. The bipartisan resolution was led by U.S. Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX-20).


On February 15, President Trump issued a national emergency declaration to divert already-appropriated federal funding to strengthen border security. This proclamation came one day after Congress passed and the President signed into law a bipartisan funding agreement, which Spanberger supported. Immediately following the announcement of the emergency declaration earlier this month, Spanberger voiced her opposition to the national emergency.

Yesterday, a bipartisan group of 58 former senior national security officials released a statement in opposition to the declaration. And earlier this month, more than two-dozen former Republican Members of Congress wrote a joint letter urging Congress to support the resolution cosponsored by Spanberger to roll back the emergency declaration.


Congresswoman Wexton on the Bipartisan Passage of Resolution Terminating Trump’s Emergency Declaration
Following the passage of H.J. Res 46, a privileged resolution to terminate President Trump’s unlawful emergency declaration, Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton released the following statement:

“President Trump failed to secure funding for a wall through the constitutionally defined legislative process. After negotiations with Congress failed, the President decided to put the financial security of millions of Americans at serious risk by forcing the longest government shutdown in history.

“Following the President’s failed attempt to leverage federal workers as bargaining chips for his wall, the President decided to seek funding through an unlawful national emergency declaration. This declaration is a reckless power grab that is not only unlawful, but corrodes the very foundations of our democracy.

“The legislative branch is a separate and coequal branch of government, and the President would do well to learn that. He cannot go outside the bounds of the law, simply because he has failed to negotiate successfully with Congress.

“Congress has a solemn duty to uphold the Constitution and defend our system of checks and balances. This is not a responsibility this Congress takes lightly.”


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