Video: Scott Rigell Brings Out One of the Worst Governors in America to Vouch for Him?!?


    Seriously, Rep. Scott Rigell (R-2nd) thinks that getting Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to vouch for him is a good thing?!? Let’s remember, this is the same Jan Brewer who:

    *Signed the infamous Arizona SB 1070, the “broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure in recent U.S. history,” into law.

    *In defense of the racial profiling law, Brewer falsely claimed that “[o]ur law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert either buried or just lying out there that have been beheaded.”

    *Was criticized “for hiring Chuck Coughlin and Paul Senseman, both lobbyists for [private, for-profit prisons] Corrections Corporation of America, as a policy advisor to her campaign and communications director in her administration.” After a news station published an investigative report on this, “Brewer’s re-election campaign retaliated by pulling all campaign ads from [the station].”

    *Eliminated Arizona’s “State Children’s Health Insurance Program program, known as KidsCare, that provides health insurance to uninsured children.”

    *Had a total brain freeze in a debate, leaving “her train of thought derailed, leaving dead-air gaps that rival any of the ones on the Arizona-Mexico border.”

    *Totally disrespected the President, acting in a manner completely unbecoming to her powerful position.

    Bottom line: Jan Brewer is about THE LAST person on earth you’d want to bring in as a character reference. Of course, given that Rigell’s had the certifiable Herman Cain campaign for him, and given his abysmal voting record in Congress, what else would we expect from the guy?


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