Home 2019 Elections Kaine Campaign Statement on Anonymous Tex Messages in VA Senate Race

Kaine Campaign Statement on Anonymous Tex Messages in VA Senate Race


From the Kaine campaign (update: if you want to contribute and help the Kaine campaign fight back against this GARBAGE, see Mike Henry's email on the “flip!”).


Kaine for Virginia
September 24, 2012

Kaine for Virginia Press Office
(804) 359-7106



Richmond, VA – In response to the news of anonymous text messages being sent to Virginia voters in the Hampton Roads area, Kaine for Virginia Communications Director Brandi Hoffine released the following statement:

“The Kaine for Virginia campaign did not send these messages and does not know who did.  Voters have every right to be concerned about this breach of privacy.  It's one thing to subject people to millions of dollars of false TV ads.  It's another thing to invade their privacy with misleading text messages to their personal cell numbers.  This is beneath the standard Virginia expects from its public officials.

“We urge whoever is behind these misleading messages to discontinue their dirty campaign tricks. The campaign hopes the appropriate officials, including the Attorney General of Virginia, will launch an investigation to get answers for Virginia voters and put a stop to these scurrilous tactics.”
The message claims Governor Kaine supports a “radical new tax on all Americans.”  Politifact VA ruled a similar charge by George Allen FALSE earlier today.  



Tim Kaine For U.S. Senate


Did you receive this text message? We've heard that people across the Commonwealth have received it. 

It looks like, after more than $11 million in false, negative advertising didn't work, outside groups are now pulling dirty tricks. This isn't just a sleazy campaign tactic. It's a crime. The FCC has ruled that sending unsolicited text messages like this one is against the law. 

Not to mention the message is just not true! The message claims that Tim Kaine supports a “radical new tax on all Americans.” Politifact VA ruled a similar charge by George Allen FALSE earlier today. 

Anonymous attacks against Tim aren't new — but invading voters' privacy like this goes way too far. 

We have to show them that elections are won with true grassroots support. Our critical September deadline is just days away. Make a gift of $5 or more now to finish what we started. 

Our campaign doesn't even have a text message program! We're focused on reaching out to Virginians to spread Tim's message one door knock, one phone call, and one conversation at a time. 

Mike Henry
Campaign Manager 




If you received this unsolicited text message and would like to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, you can do so here:


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