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Virginia Leaders Slam President Trump for Attacks on the Affordable Care Act Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

"This has to end. This fall, we need to reject these cruel attacks on our health care system."


From the Joe Biden for President campaign:

May 6, 2020

Virginia Leaders Slam President Trump for Attacks on the Affordable Care Act Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

As Virginians continue to bear the growing economic burden and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, instead of focusing attention and resources to lifting up working families, President Trump is seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court. With briefs by those seeking to uphold the Affordable Care Act due in California v. Texas today, Virginia leaders released the following statements:

“Virginians with pre-existing conditions — and their loved ones — should not have to live in fear of their health coverage being taken away by President Trump. The Trump Administration continues to pursue a lawsuit that will rip protections away from millions of Americans without any viable plan to make sure people can get the health coverage they need. I encourage all Virginians to choose protecting and expanding on the ACA this November by electing Joe Biden,” said Senator Mark Warner.

“For Donald Trump and Republicans to continue to chip away at Virginians’ health care, even in the midst of this unprecedented pandemic, is reprehensible. Republicans’ continued attacks on health care underscore why we need new leadership in the White House who will protect and expand the Affordable Care Act. We need Joe Biden,” said Senator Tim Kaine.

“Countless families in Northern Virginia rely on the Affordable Care Act — either directly for their care or indirectly through the protections it grants for younger Virginians and Virginians with pre-existing conditions. It should not need to be said, but apparently it does: the height of a global pandemic is when our leaders should be expanding our access to health care, not seeking to rip it away. President Trump should end this reckless lawsuit,” said Congressman Don Beyer.

“The mere fact that Republicans are continuing with their irresponsible attempts to strip health coverage from Virginians is awful. But Virginians have a choice this November, and the opportunity to elect a President who will end these attacks on our health care: Joe Biden. The choice is crystal clear,” said Congressman Gerry Connolly.

“Families throughout Virginia rely on access to quality and affordable health care and it is unacceptable that Republicans are seeking to make it more difficult for Virginians to access the care they need. Today, even during a public health crisis, Republicans are continuing their efforts to attack the Affordable Care Act before the Supreme Court. I strongly urge my colleagues to end these partisan attacks — and I ask all Virginians to join me in electing Joe Biden this November to ensure these efforts to strip protections for those with pre-existing conditions and to create roadblocks to health care access finally come to an end,” said Congresswoman Elaine Luria.

“In Virginia and across the country, communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Yet today, even with thousands of brown and black people across the country dying from COVID-19, Republicans are still working to make it even harder for these folks to access the care they need. This has to end. This fall, we need to reject these cruel attacks on our health care system. I know Joe Biden will protect and expand care for these communities, and that’s why it’s so urgent that we elect him as our next President,” said Congressman Donald McEachin.

“For nearly a decade now, Republicans have been trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. During this pandemic, but also before the pandemic began, Virginians have relied on the ACA and its consumer protections for their access to health care. Republicans have doggedly continued their attacks on the ACA during this pandemic and that is a clear sign that we need to replace our leadership in the White House this November,” said Congressman Bobby Scott.

“Millions of Virginians living with pre-existing conditions were fearful of losing their protections due to this hyper-partisan lawsuit before the COVID-19 pandemic upended our lives. Now, during this crisis, that fear has been heightened to new levels as these same vulnerable neighbors are even more susceptible to this deadly virus. Since the day I began campaigning for office, I’ve been urging the administration to stop its partisan attacks on the existing health care law — but it has continued its reckless attacks without end. Today, I’m continuing to use my voice to make it known: this sabotage must end — the lives of thousands of my constituents depend on it,” said Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger.

“In Northern Virginia, countless families are going through an unprecedented level of worry and anxiety. They’re just trying to stay safe and healthy while still being able to put food on the table — and they absolutely shouldn’t have to worry about their ability to access care if they need it during this pandemic. It’s time for Republicans to end their constant attacks on the Affordable Care Act. Lives are quite literally on the line,” said Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton.


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