Home 2020 Elections EMILY’s List Statement on Former Rep. Scott Taylor (R)’s Latest Sexist Comments

EMILY’s List Statement on Former Rep. Scott Taylor (R)’s Latest Sexist Comments

Taylor claimed Rep. Luria “overplays the female card”; previously referred to female veterans and former CIA officials as “girls that have national security backgrounds"


From EMILY’s List:

EMILY’s List Statement on Former Congressman Taylor’s Latest Sexist Comments

WASHINGTON, D.C — Former Rep. Scott Taylor (VA-02), whose 2018 campaign is still under investigation for election fraud, recently lobbed another round of sexist and unfounded attacks at Congresswoman Elaine Luria, claiming that she “overplays the female card” just months after he referred to several women veterans and former CIA officials as “girls that have national security backgrounds.” In response, Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, released the following statement:

“Scott Taylor’s sexist attack against 20-year Navy veteran and Congresswoman Elaine Luria is the latest in a long, shameful history of remarks that once again prove he is unfit to represent Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District. Republicans talk about reaching out to women voters, but Taylor’s remarks align perfectly with his party’s culture of misogyny and intolerance. Scott Taylor should spend more time answering for the election fraud indictments in his own camp and stop disparaging the service of a veteran and accomplished congresswoman.

Elaine Luria is a devoted public servant whose record speaks for itself: in just under two years, she has cosponsored 538 pieces of legislation and authored three bills that have been signed into law. Virginians know they deserve better than Scott Taylor, and EMILY’s List looks forward to helping them deliver that message for a second time in November.”

EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, has raised over $600 million to elect pro-choice Democratic women candidates. With a grassroots community of over five million members, EMILY’s List helps Democratic women win competitive campaigns – across the country and up and down the ballot – by recruiting and training candidates, supporting strong campaigns, researching the issues that impact women and families, and turning out women voters to the polls. Since our founding in 1985, we have helped elect 150 women to the House, 26 to the Senate, 16 governors, and nearly 1,100 women to state and local office. Nearly 40 percent of the candidates EMILY’s List has helped elect to Congress have been women of color. During the historic 2017-2018 cycle, EMILY’s List raised a record-breaking $110 million and launched a record independent expenditure campaign. We helped elect 34 new women to the House, including 24 red-to-blue victories; enough seats to have delivered the U.S. House majority alone. Since the 2016 election, more than 55,000 women have reached out to EMILY’s List about running for office laying the groundwork for the next decade of candidates for local, state, and national offices.


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