Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, June 26.

*Texas Lawmaker Braving Backbreaking Filibuster to Stop Abortion Bill (We need to see a LOT more of this type of backbone by Virginia Democrats! See the video report.)

*The umpire’s foul call (“Justice Roberts and his colleagues cast aside judicial restraint in the Voting Rights Act case.”)

*The Supreme Court’s Voting Rights Decision Is a Poison Chalice for the GOP (Interesting perspective, I sure hope that’s the case!)

*John Lewis and others react to the Supreme Court’s Voting Rights Act ruling (Did I mention how heinous this radical, far-right-wing Supreme Court is? We need to keep electing Democrats until we can change that for good!)

*Plan B for climate change (Republicans are enemies of the environment; thank goodness for President Obama…now time to get the job done!)

*Ed Markey wins Mass. Senate race (Markey’s a champion for clean energy and a healthy environment. This is great news!)

*Va. gov. allegedly received Rolex bought by donor (“The $6,500 engraved Rolex is the first undisclosed gift known to have been used personally by Robert McDonnell among tens of thousands of dollars of undisclosed gifts given to his family.”)

*Troubles worsen for Virginia’s Bob McDonnell (McDonnell is utterly corrupt. Is this how his BFF Pat Robertson taught him to behave?)

*In race for Va. attorney general, abortion takes on greater intensity (“The candidates clash over a 2009 bill that would have made women report miscarriages to authorities.”)

*Cuccinelli seeks to preserve Va. sodomy law (Apparently, this is not a joke. But Ken Cuccinelli is…a bad joke.)

*Cuccinelli: Seeking federal approval for voting changes like ‘running to mommy’ (Other than being an extremist, Cuccinelli’s also an embarrassment to Virginia, not to mention humanity. My god…what a wacko.)

*Voting rights ruling leaves Virginia in ‘limbo’

*Coal country Va. Republicans rip Obama climate plans (These people apparently love children with asthma. More to the point, they are totally bought and paid for by the coal industry. Ignore them.)

*Jeff E. Schapiro: As political fight, Tesla’s push in Va. no Sunday drive

*Warner pushes bill to replace Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

*Forbes wants to ground president’s Africa trip (Riiiiiiiiiight. What a nut.)

*Va.’s weak laws are Delgaudio’s friend (So, so true…Virginia’s laws regarding the behavior of our elected officials are a complete travesty.)

*Ken Cuccinelli Warns Gay Marriage Will Lead To Polygamy Because This Is A Day That Ends With ‘Y’ (I’m really beyond words when it comes to Cuckoo.)

*Virginia to allow travel on Beltway shoulder

*Cuccinelli, McAuliffe spar over Obama climate speech, coal policies (Cuccinelli’s also a fan of childhood asthma and destroying the earth, all to enrich a few coal barons who donate to his campaign, apparently. What a guy.)

*LaRoche’s three-run homer helps Nationals top Diamondbacks


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