Obama: GOP “drove the car into the ditch…now they want the keys back!”


    Nailed it.

    After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want the keys back. No! You can’t drive! We don’t want to have to go back into the ditch. We just got the car out.

    UPDATE: National Journal reports that the economy under Barack Obama and the Democrats is on track to create “more jobs in 2010 alone than it did over the entire eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency.” And that’s in spite of relentless Republican opposition to everything (“the party of no”) and talking down of the U.S. economy.  G’Obama!

    UPDATE #2: According to Gallup’s latest, Barack Obama is now at +11 approval (52%-41%), his highest net approval in 3 months, according to Gallup. Combined with today’s RK2000 poll (55%-41% approval), could things finally be starting to turn around for Dem’s?


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