The WaPo Keeps the Pressure on Cuccinelli


    The Washington Post is keeping its focus on Attorney General Cuccinelli’s assault on academic freedom at the University of Virginia, with yesterday’s editorial and today’s cartoon by the great Tom Toles.

    The editorial is about the University of Virginia’s moral obligation to push back against the AG’s fishing expedition aimed at harassing climate scientist Michael Mann:

    VIRGINIA ATTORNEY General Ken Cuccinelli II has decided to misuse state funds in his personal war against climate science. But that doesn’t mean anyone else should cooperate.

    His “witch hunt”, the Post writes,

    would deal grave harm to scientific inquiry throughout Virginia’s public higher education system. Science progresses when researchers can propose ideas freely, differ in their methods and argue about the interpretations of their results. The commonwealth should nurture that process, not make scientists fear that they will be subject to investigation if a politician dislikes their conclusions.

    And, the Post concludes, “Gov. Robert F. McDonnell should join the dozens of others — including some of Mr. Mann’s harshest critics — in condemning Mr. Cuccinelli, lest he be implicated in this assault on reason.”

    It’s time for Governor Bob to let us know how he stands on the Cuccinelli Inquisition — one way or another.  You’re either for the right of researchers to conduct their work free from government harassment, or against it.  Stand up and be counted, Bob.


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