Illegal, Voter Suppression Robocall by Conservative Supporters of Braddock Supervisor John Cook


    Check out this robocall by the American Future Fund, a “a multi- state issues advocacy group designed to effectively communicate conservative and free market ideals.” According to, American Future Fund was “founded in 2007 by Nick Ryan, a longtime political adviser to former Iowa congressman Jim Nussle, a Republican.” It “is registered as a 501(c)(4), which means it can receive unlimited donations and does not have to disclose its donors.” For whatever reason, this group has decided to place a voter suppression robocall into Fairfax County (Braddock District), on behalf of Tea Party/Ken Cuccinelli-supported Republican John Cook, encouraging Democrats receiving the call to vote TODAY (11/7) not TOMORROW (Election Day). Last I heard, that’s illegal. Sadly, though, we see this sort of thing quite frequently by Republicans. What part of “illegal” don’t Republicans understand?!?

    P.S. In response to this call, I urge everyone in Braddock District to make DOUBLE sure you vote TOMORROW, ELECTION DAY, for Janet Oleszek!.


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