Home 2019 Elections Audio: Trump-Worshiping EW Jackson Says Use of Gender-Neutral Pronouns Indicates “demon possession...

Audio: Trump-Worshiping EW Jackson Says Use of Gender-Neutral Pronouns Indicates “demon possession by multiple demons”


Quick reminder that this insane, raving bigot (EW Jackson) was the Virginia GOP’s 2013 nominee or Lt. Governor. After that (not to mention their nomination of crazy Cooch for governor and Mark “Criminalize Miscarriages” Obenshain for AG), why would we ever trust these people with the reins of Virginia government again??? Oh, and now the President who EW Jackson loves so much (Donald Trump) has decided to be gratuitously cruel and stupid towards transgender people serving – or who want to serve their country – in the U.S. military. Disgusting, as always, and hypocritical too, as Trump spent most of his life as a sexual libertine and certainly NOT as a Christian, let alone an Evangelical/Fundamentalist like EW Jackson. I mean, remember this?


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