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Video: Live Updates From the State Air Pollution Control Board Meeting on Dominion’s Proposed Fracked-Gas Compressor Station in Union Hill [UPDATE: No Vote in 2018]


See below for video, courtesy of the Virginia Sierra Club, of the State Air Pollution Control Board meeting on Dominion’s proposed fracked-gas compressor station in historically African-American Union Hill. For some background on this issue, see 100 People, Including Karenna Gore, Send Letter to Virginia Air Pollution Control Board Urging Rejection of Proposed Compressor Station in Union Hill On His Air Pollution Control Board Scandal, Ralph Northam Apparently Has Never Heard of Occam’s Razor. Unfortunately for Northam, the Rest of Us Have. Dominion Energy Tried to Use the Virginia NAACP as a Pawn. We’re Not Having It. NAACP President Kevin Chandler Reaffirms Opposition to Mountain Valley & Atlantic Coast Pipelines, Union Hill Compressor Station, Southside Connector, BREAKING: Just Days Before Vote on Crucial Fracked-Gas-Pipeline Compressor Station in Union Hill, Dominion Energy Busy Buying Off Opposition, Spreading NAACP Letter, Creating “Fear and Confusion”, Who Are Ralph Northam’s New Appointees to the State Water and Air Pollution Control Boards?, Virginia State Air Pollution Board Defers Action on Proposed Air Permit for Union Hill Compressor Station, Video, Photos: Speakers Explain Why Dominion’s Massive Atlantic Coast Pipeline Compressor Station Should NOT Be Built in Union Hill (or at all!), Echoes of a Dark Past at Virginia’s Standing Rock: The Atlantic Coast Pipeline, etc. Also see below the video for some tweets and other updates about today’s meeting…

UPDATE: The board has returned. The room is silent.

— Sara McCloskey (@Sara8News) December 19, 2018

Lots of confusion about why Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board moves to go into close meeting. Are they discussing whether public can provide comments today as requested by stakeholders? Board chair was very unclear about their motion. #WeAreAllUnionHill pic.twitter.com/Yt7DEKYLzJ

— Mark L. Keam (@MarkKeam) December 19, 2018


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