Home Virginia Politics Who’s helping rebrand the Virginia GOP?

Who’s helping rebrand the Virginia GOP?


From the Democratic National Committee:

Virginia Republicans are gathering in Hot Springs this weekend to regroup after Democrats swept all three statewide offices for the first time in nearly 25 years. And who are they bringing in to help them set their 2014 agenda? Texas Governor Rick Perry. They’re hoping that Perry has some answers for how they can get back on track, but here’s the problem:

Rick Perry is exactly the type of Republican that Virginia just rejected.


How so? Let’s take a look:

·         Rick Perry supported the strategy that shut down the government and cost the American economy $24 billion and supported a default on America’s obligations – a catastrophe that could have caused Virginia’s credit rating to tank.

·         Rick Perry signed historic legislation restricting women’s health and closing women’s health clinics. He also ended funding for Planned Parenthood, costing his state hundreds of millions of dollars.

·         Rick Perry refuses to expand Medicaid in Texas, calling it “foolish” and “like putting 1,000 more people on the Titanic.” Perry’s refusal (which Texans oppose) is costing his state big – denying coverage to 1.5 million Texans andcosting Texas about $10 billion.

·         Rick Perry is enacting a discriminatory voter ID law that may make it harder for minorities, women and the poor to vote. 


Restricting women’s health care, ideological politics that shut down the government, and making it harder to vote…sounds familiar, right? Republicans ran and lost on this platform in 2012. They ran and lost on this platform in 2013. And with Rick Perry guiding them heading into 2014, it’s clear they have no desire to learn from their mistakes and change their ways.


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