Home Virginia Politics Source: Gerry Connolly Does NOT Support Chris Wade for Braddock District Supervisor

Source: Gerry Connolly Does NOT Support Chris Wade for Braddock District Supervisor


Yesterday, I described a bizarre situation, in which a self-described “strong McCain-Palin supporter” and long-time Republican has suddenly decided to run as a “Democrat” (WTF?!?) for Fairfax County Board of Supervisors from the Braddock district. Since then, I’ve communicated with a number of Fairfax Democrats. Among the information I’ve received is the following, from a Fairfax Democrat who is close to the issue, and therefore who is highly knowledgeable, about it.

First off, my source tells me that Rep. Gerry Connolly was not — repeat, not — involved in recruiting (McCain-Palin Republican) Christopher Wade to run for this position. Also, I’m told that Connolly has not endorsed Wade.

To the contrary, Connolly was heard in several conversations with other guests at the recent Braddock District Democratic Committee meeting, as well as at other functions, complaining that Wade had no serious civic or political credentials qualifying him to run for supervisor. Based on  his website and other information that’s out there publicly, I’ve got to strongly agree with Gerry Connolly on that one!

As if that’s not damning enough, Connolly also has publicly cited concerns over Wade’s voting history, notably two recent cases where he voted in Republican primaries.

No doubt, my source points out, since he was elected to Congress in 2008, former Fairfax County Board Chair Connolly has continued to take a strong interest in local elections. That includes his recent endorsement of three at-large Fairfax County School Board candidates. (Note: my source points out that Connolly endorsed the same three candidates Chap Petersen did, and adds, “Who woulda thunk?”)

Last but not least, my source tells me that Rep. Connolly believes in the importance of nominating a Braddock candidate who can defeat John Cook before Cook becomes too entrenched. And, I’m told point blank, “Connolly does not think Wade is that candidate.”

UPDATE (Friday morning): NLS reports that Janet Oleszek is a candidate for Supuervisor from Braddock district, and that Chap Petersen has already endorsed her. It almost goes without saying that I will strongly support Janet over the McCain-Palin supporter pretending to be a “Democrat.”  Go Janet!!!


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