Home Virginia Politics Example #Infinity: When Democrats Vote For Right-Wing Bills, It Kills Their Message

Example #Infinity: When Democrats Vote For Right-Wing Bills, It Kills Their Message


There are so many examples of this phenomenon, it’s hard to know where to start. I’m talking about Democrats voting for a right-wing bill, then hoping that nobody remembers (or something) so they can use that same bill as a campaign issue against Republicans.  Recent Virginia examples that leap to mind include: Democrats voting for – and Tim Kaine signing into law – the 2007 “transportation monstrosity” (including “abuser fees” and “regional taxation authorities”), which took that issue off the table for Democrats in the General Assembly elections that fall; Democrats voting for Bob McDonnell’s crappy budget this year, then hoping to run against McDonnell’s policies next year; Democrats voting for Bob Marshall’s crazy anti-“mandate” bill, then attempting to criticize Ken Cuccinelli’s constitutional challenge to mandates.

On that latter issue, a classic example came yesterday, as Democrats held a press conference in Richmond to denounced Cuccinelli’s anti-“mandate” lawsuit. The two featured speakers were Sen. Donald McEachin and Del. Jennifer McClellan (also a member of the DNC, a “superdelegate,” and vice chair of the DPVA). In McEachin’s case, that’s fine, as he voted against this horrible bill. The problem is with Jennifer McClellan, who – believe it or not – actually voted for the so-called “Health Care Freedom Act,” which declares “that a resident of the Commonwealth shall not be required to obtain or maintain a policy of individual insurance coverage.”  In short, Del. McClellan spoke at the press conference yesterday denouncing HB 10, even though she voted for HB10. I’m confused.

By the way, Jennifer McClellan was not the only Democrat who voted for this horrible piece of legislation. The only reason I’m singling her out is that she was chosen to represent Democrats at a high-profile press conference denouncing that very same legislation. Does that make any sense to anyone? If so, I’d love to hear the explanation.

P.S. I forgot to mention earlier, the VA GOP Caucus posted about this first thing this morning, pointing to the difference on this issue between Jennifer McClellan and her husband, DPVA Executive Director Dave Mills. You see how this undercuts our messaging?

UPDATE: It’s worth noting that Del. McClellan voted “no” on this bill multiple times prior to voting “yes” on the Senate substitute.


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