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Do Webb and Warner Favor Closing Gun Show Loophole?


According to the Washington Post, “A group that includes victims of the Virginia Tech massacre and their families said Monday that Sen. Jim Webb (D-Virginia) met privately with them and gave his commitment to support a federal law requiring that buyers at gun shows undergo background checks before purchasing firearms.” Yesterday, however, Webb’s office issued a statement that “was noncommital about Webb’s support for the so-called gun show loophole.”  

As far as Sen. Warner is concerned, “family members met with Warner on June 9 and he was noncommittal on the issue.”  His office also issued a statement yesterday:

Senator Warner has a record of supporting Second Amendment rights and he will weigh any future proposals that come before the full Senate. He also will continue to work for full funding to make sure the National Instant Criminal Background Check System is complete and up-to-date – improvements that were mandated by Congress following the 2007 Virginia Tech tragedy.

Can anyone translate that from “politician” into “English?” Heh.


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