Home 2019 Elections Kyle Blankenship Tweets “TEA Party” 2nd CD Debate

Kyle Blankenship Tweets “TEA Party” 2nd CD Debate


For a live tweet of the 2nd CD “TEA Party” candidate forum, check out Kyle Blankenship’s Twitter feed. Highlights (lowlights?) so far (7:50 pm):

*”[Scott] Rigell talks about accountability, gives out his home phone number.”

*”Scott Taylor implies (thinly veiled) the Democrats intend to extend Presidential term limits.”

*”[Ben] Loyola: ‘Obamacare’ adds a ‘huge new layer of socialism'”

*”Rigell basically says all federal taxes are unconstitutional. Umm… Wtf?”

*”Scott Taylor proposes billions in education funding cuts.”

*”Every Republican, when asked, ‘vows’ to repeal health care reform.”

Stay tuned, this should be craaazy fun!

UPDATE: More craziness, as predicted.

*”Loyola: there’s “no excuse” for unemployment to be over “1-2%”. Wow.”

*”Republicans now talking about raising Medicare age, slashing benefits to seniors, and ending Medicare as soon as possible.”

*”Whoa, Loyola calls The Fed’s actions “terrorism against America”

Why does anyone take these people the least bit seriously?


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