Election Results Open Thread


    Please use this as an open thread to discuss tonight’s elections.  Daily Kos recommends the following sources for results, and I see no reason to argue.

    Arkansas: here.

    Kentucky: here.

    Pennsylvania: here.

    House special in PA-12: here.

    So far, in Kentucky, it looks like wingnut/tea partier Rand Paul has crushed Mitch McConnell’s favored Republican candidate, Trey Grayson. All I have to say to that is, “hahahahahahaha.” 🙂

    In the Kentucky Democratic primary, it looks like the better Democrat, Jack Conway, is defeating Daniel Mongiardo.  Also good news.

    In Pennsylvania right now (9:01 pm), Arlen Specter is leading Joe Sestak 58.5%-41.5% with just 6.2% of precincts reporting. Way too early to say much about this one. By the way, go Joe! 🙂

    UPDATE 9:18 pm: With 17.5% of the vote counted in Pennsylvania, Specter’s lead is down to 53.1%-46.9%. In Kentucky, with 85.8% of the precincts reporting, it’s Conway 45.2%-Mongiardo 42.4% on the Democratic side, and Paul 59.2%-Grayson 35.3% on the Republican side.

    UPDATE 9:45 pm: With 94.5% reporting, Conway leads Mongiardo 44.6%-43.0% in Kentucky.

    With 35.9% in, Sestak leads Specter 50.1%-49.9%.

    UPDATE 9:52 pm: Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report tweets, “#PASEN running down the list county-by-county, it’s becoming clearer and clearer Specter has no hope of pulling this out.”  Also, in other good news, “#PA12 So far Critz winning 52-43% in Burns’s home base of Washington Co. Not encouraging for @nrcc so far.”

    UPDATE 10:03 pm: Kos tweets, “Knock on wood, but it’s looking like a great night for Dems. The intensity gap may be history.” Let’s hope! Also, Dave Wasserman tweets, “#PA12 @dccc does it again? Critz could end up winning by a substantial margin.”

    UPDATE 10:06 pm: Excellent news from KY, the AP calls it for Jack Conway! Even better, Conway received 20,000 more votes than Rand Paul, and Democratic turnout was nearly 200,000 higher than Republican turnout.  Exxxxxcellent!

    UPDATE 10:08 pm: It looks like Sestak is going to be the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania. Right now, he’s leading 53.3%-46.7% and his lead is growing, with 61% of precincts reporting. Also, Democratic turnout in PA is far higher – about 200,000 votes – than Republican turnout. This is turning into a great night for the “blue team!”

    UPDATE 10:17 pm: Critz won easily, Sestak beat Specter, Conway beat Mongiardo, not sure about Blanche Lincoln vs. Bill Halter yet. All in all, a superb night for the Democrats.  I’m going to bed with a smile on my face!

    UPDATE Wednesday morning: Halter-Lincoln headed for a recount. A major victory for Dem’s in PA-12, and a major defeat for the worthless NRCC and its vile, gay-bashing spokesman, Andy Sere.

    UPDATE #2 Wednesday morning:  This will make you laugh!

    UPDATE: The ad that destroyed Arlen Specter, showing him to be completely fake, inauthentic, self-serving, snide, slimy, pretty much everything people don’t like in politicians. Utterly devastating.


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