I’m glad to see this letter, even if it took
more than two weeks almost three weeks since bloggers, David Englin, Donald McEachin, and a few others raised this as an issue. Better late than never, I guess. In addition, I would strongly urge any Democrat on the commission to demand Malek’s replacement. If Malek is not replaced by…oh, I dunno, how about COB tomorrow?…they should resign immediately.
May 27, 2010
The Honorable Robert F. McDonnell
Patrick Henry Building, Third Floor
1111 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219Governor McDonnell:
We would first like to commend you on your creation of the Commission on Government Reform and Restructuring. Streamlining government and finding cost-saving efficiencies is a laudable goal regardless of one’s partisan leanings. In fact, our Caucus has put our words into action on this issue by supporting House Bill 1053 in the 2010 General Assembly session, which would have saved the Commonwealth millions of dollars.
However, we are increasingly concerned that the important issue of government reform is being overshadowed by questions about the past behavior of the Chairman of the Commission, Fred Malek. We are especially concerned with his actions regarding Connecticut state pension investments and the six-figure penalty paid by Mr. Malek and his company to the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2004. In its findings, the SEC expressed concern about the undisclosed agreements made by Malek’s company with a political associate of the Connecticut State Treasurer. It is these kinds of incidents that create the need for reform and more transparency and sunlight in our government. True reform should not be led by someone with any questions regarding his background.
Therefore, it is our strong suggestion that you replace Mr. Malek with a chairman whose credentials on government reform are unimpeachable. Former U.S. Senator John Warner, Christopher Newport University President Paul Trible, or Commission member John “Dubby” Wynne are all well-qualified alternatives. It is clear that the important work of the commission would be distracted by questions about past behavior by its chairman, and that would be a disservice to the Commonwealth.
Ward L. Armstrong, House Minority Leader
Kenneth R. Plum, House Democratic Caucus Chair
UPDATE: Need a good laugh? Check out this bizarre statement, straight from an alternate universe the Republican Party of Virginia. WTF?