Jerry Falwell, Jr., coup attempt in Lynchburg FAILS


    Liberty University’s efforts to take over the Lynchburg, VA, City Council by electing Republicans to three open seats FAILED BADLY — in spite of months spent registering students and alumni, holding a special convocation to pray for victory, cancelling classes so students could vote, and, using the University emergency email system to remind students to vote.

    Actually, “badly” doesn’t describe the total annihilation of the Liberty University attempted coup.

    On election day (4 May) LU held a  special Election Day convocation where Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. and VA General Assembly Delegate Scott Garrett, R-Lynchburg, urged the students to vote. Classes were cancelled  until 2 p.m. and the University sent out e-mails and texts through its emergency alert system reminding students to vote.

    In spite of all this, not one of the three LU candidates won a seat on the Lynchburg City Council.  The winners were Mayor Joan Foster, Interim Councilman Randy Nelson, and Hunsdon Cary.…

    Lynchburg City Council’s balance remains virtually unchanged after voters picked Joan Foster, Randy Nelson and Hunsdon “H.” Cary as their next at-large council members Tuesday.

    City voters collectively split the ticket on their ballots, picking one candidate from the Republican slate and two independent candidates endorsed by groups such as Lynchburg First and the Lynchburg Democratic Committee.

    . . .

    Lynchburg Republicans ran a full slate of council candidates in this election for the first time in 12 years. They had hoped to make a clean sweep of the three seats up for grabs and change the philosophical makeup of council.

    Several party affiliates said they felt Brent Robertson, a Liberty University student who referred to himself as a Republican after first running as an independent, had been a spoiler for the Republican nominees.

    Hmmmm.  Maybe Jr. needs to pray harder??  You think??


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