Home National Politics Mo Elleithee Rides to Richard Blumenthal’s Rescue?

Mo Elleithee Rides to Richard Blumenthal’s Rescue?


I hear that famed (Warner, Kaine, Miller, Wagner, McAuliffe, Deeds) Virginia communications strategist Mo Elleithee is now in Connecticut, having ridden to Richard Blumenthal’s rescue in the last day or so. Check out these tweets by Elleithee.

*”Is the New York Times giving Blumenthal a RAW deal? http://shar.es/mCCZM

*”Correct link. AP BREAKING NEWS: (SAME) Video shows Blumenthal correctly stating service http://tinyurl.com/3xgg3gz

*”Hartford Courant: Blumenthal and Vietnam, the director’s cut http://bit.ly/cQMBWG

Mo also tells me that “the CT press are rallying behind him for the most part.”  In addition, it looks like the leading CT pro-Democratic blog is supporting Blumenthal and criticizing the “journalism” in this situation.

My view is that Blumenthal has been a superb Attorney General and should be a no-brainer for U.S. Senate, but also that embellishing his Vietnam War record – or, lack thereof – is not good at all.  If it’s just one instance, taken out of context, then it’s probably not a huge problem politically. On the other hand, if it’s part of a pattern of “misstatements,” then it could (and probably should) end his candidacy. We’ll see, but for now, it seems like the NY Times is the one with egg on its face a lot more than Blumenthal.

P.S. Whatever Blumenthal said, it’s still a gazillion times less insane than the crap Ken Kook-inelli has been spewing almost every day since he’s been in office.

UPDATE: Fox’s Neil Cavuto argues that everyone should “cut Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal a break.” According to Cavuto, Republicans should “[g]et him on issues that matter, for God’s sake; not nonsense like this that does not.”


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