Susan Mariner Statement on Yesterday’s Vote


    The following is from Susan Mariner, who asked me to post this for her.  Susan came very close yesterday, and from what I hear received nothing but positive feedback on her run for DPVA 1st Vice Chair of Organization. I’m confident that Susan has a great future ahead of her as a Virginia Democrat (and otherwise). She is a class act all the way.

    Fellow Democrats,

    Please join me in congratulating Gaylene Kanoyton on her election as DPVA 1st Vice Chair of Organization. Gaylene ran a strong, energetic, and determined campaign.  These traits demonstrate the kind of outstanding leader Gaylene is, has been, and will be for the Democratic Party.  I look forward to working with and in support of Gaylene in her efforts to put “Boots on the Ground!”

    I also wanted to thank all of my supporters and the many new friends I made over the past few weeks.  Together we talked about how we could grow the Democratic Party across this great Commonwealth.  This was a positive campaign based on maximum inclusion.  I am proud of what this campaign was about and was deeply honored to have gained the votes and friendship of so many.  And though I fell a little shy of the votes I would have needed to win, be assured that I will keep working together with you to make this a Bluer Virginia.  

    On that note, I hope everyone will join me in making GOTV calls for Kai Degner’s and Bill Brown’s special election Tuesday.  To make calls from home for Kai, please email  To make calls from home for Bill, please email   For those of us who don’t live nearby enough to put our “Boots on the Ground,” let’s put our “Fingers on the Dial” for these great Democrats.

    In unity towards Democratic victories in 2010 and beyond,

    Susan Mariner

    Chair, Virginia Beach Democratic Committee

    UPDATE: Also, here is Gaylene Kanoytan’s statement:

    “Yes, We Won! Thank you!”

    “To whom much is given, much is required” Luke 12:48

    This journey started 3 weeks ago, when Long time Democrat Pixie Bell asked me for the final time to run and I accepted after speaking to Delegate Jennifer McClellan. I thank them both for their support.

    Yesterday was a joyous bittersweet day for me! Joyous- Yes WE won the 1st Vice Chair of Operations position and I say “WE” because of the enormous thoughts, prayers and support! Thank you! Bittersweet: During the nomination segment my Church member and very good friend (like a mother) was being funeralized. However, I could hear her voice of support during the entire process. Friendship is Golden and yesterday my opponent Susan did what Democrats do ,when you fall short of votes. A Good Democrat give their votes to the winner to make the vote unanimous. I thank her for that measure of Unity. I attended the National Convention when Hilliary Clinton gave her Delegates to Pres. Obama and the Unity in the audience was awesome!. Senator Locke had me in tears with her 1st nomination speech, she has known me for 30 years..taught me in college and Sean Houlihan President of the YD’s 2nd nomination speech was awesome! It’s great to have people to speak on your behalf that actually know your work. Now I’m ready to


    UPDATE #2: Gaylene Kanoytan has posted a revised version of her statement here.


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