Home Politicians Virginia Beach Councilman Speaks For All Virginians

Virginia Beach Councilman Speaks For All Virginians


After coming home from work on a warm Friday evening, I settle down to watch my local news and checkout the weekend weather report. I turn to WVEC TV 13 and they are running a story about a local Virginia Beach city councilman, Bill DeSteph, writing a letter to the mayor of New York in opposition to the Muslim Center to be built near the World Trade Center site. OK. This is America and he can express his opinion. May not agree, but this is the right of any citizen. But what really perked my interest was that he used his official city letterhead. Not being a citizen of Virginia Beach, I really don’t know what their rules and/or regulations are concerning the use of official city stationary. Then the reporter read the letter and it stated that the councilman was speaking for the citizens of Virginia Beach and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Huh? Did the citizens of the Commonwealth elect this councilman to represent them? Does being a local elected official give him the authority to “speak” for all the citizens of Virginia? He stated that he had been getting calls and requests from 300 citizens that someone had to do something about this and felt compelled to write this letter. All right Blue Virginia community, I think this councilman needs to hear from the citizens he claims to speak for. And don’t forget to let WVEC know how much you appreciate his spokesmanship on your behalf. Here is the contact info:

Councilman Bill DeSteph




757-625-1313 – phone

757-628-5855 – fax

BTW, if someone knows how to capture the video from WVEC.COM and post it to this, please feel free.


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