Why you should vote for Alvin Greene (or as I like to call him, Ali G)



    There has been a lot of FALSE publicity about Alvin Greene (or Ali G.) spread by the MALICIOUS liars of Vic Rawl and the Democratic establishment! So I, Venu Katta, am here to set the record on Ali G straight!

    Such obvious lies must be fought tooth and nail! As such, I have started an official campaign website to set the record straight on Democratic Nominee Alvin Greene. To clarify his stances on the issues, his record, his experience and of everything else. 

    Check it out: www.alvingreene2010.webs.com 


    Here's some of Alvin Greene's policy Initiatives:


    Alvin Greene on Jobs.

    Alvin Greene wants to make sure you gotta job! Because he sure as hell doesn't have one!

    He'll pay for more jobs just like he pays for the gas to sustain his campaign – off unemployment benefits. 

     Alvin Greene on Energy.

     Alvin Greene believes securing America's energy future is imperative. So here's what we're gonna do.

    Step 1: Lower the price of gas and increase off shore drilling.

    Step B: Use that as an incentive for more alternative energy.  

     Alvin Greene on Wall St. 

    Alvin Greene will hold Wall St. accountable to make sure they produce stronger and safer walls!

    A more indepth position forthcoming as Alvin Greene learns what Wall St. is. 

    P.S. Alvin Greene requests a computer to look up porn do research on Wall St.


     Alvin Greene on Korea.

     We gotta get the Jews and Hindus to stop fighting each other over there.

      Alvin Greene fully supports passing a law requiring them to join forces to form Super Korea!




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