Latest phony right wing “scandal” debunked


    Looks like the Fox News and the right wing are going to have to cook up a new phony scandal to go after Attorney General Holder and President Obama, because their Black Panther scandal has been exposed as a complete phony in great and painful detail.

    I’ve asked this before about the Republican Party: what does it say about a political party that it has to lie to put itself into power?

    A full investigation of this Republican “scandal” should be launched and anyone who lied should be fired and anyone who perjured themselves should be prosecuted.

    This is a short diary, but the Media Matters analysis of this right wing smear is a must read for Democrats and Independents.  The next time a Republican starts to spread this lie in your presence you’ll be prepared to respond with the truth.

    UPDATE by Lowell: Also, I’d remind everyone which supposedly “moderate” Republican Congressman has been leading the charge on this one.  


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