Home Virginia Politics DPVA: “Tax payers beware, Mr. Cuccinelli is wasting your money”

DPVA: “Tax payers beware, Mr. Cuccinelli is wasting your money”


Are you sitting down? I hope so, because this is going to shock you. That’s right, the Democratic Party of Virginia, which was last seen boarding a Greyhound bus to parts unknown, never to be heard from again, has actually issued a press release!. I told you I hoped you were sitting down. 🙂 Anyway, it’s good to see the DPVA return from the Land of the Living Dead.  It is a bit pathetic, however, that it took craziness even by Ken Kookinelli standards to prompt this DPVA reappearance, but hell, I guess we’ll take it.

“I was glad to see this ideological crusade by Mr. Cuccinelli dismissed by Judge Peatross, but the real victims are Virginia’s tax payers,” DPVA Chairman Dick Cranwell states.  “The Attorney General is using his tax payer funded office as his own personal piggy bank, at a time when Virginians need help.  These ideological crusades do nothing to protect Virginians from predatory lending.  They do nothing to protect consumers from unsafe products or fraudulent services.  In short they do nothing but advance the Attorney General’s reputation as an extremist who cares more about his ideology than he does about Virginia.  Tax payers beware, Mr. Cuccinelli is wasting your money.”

UPDATE: Of course, the DPVA has not weighed in on this, which it should do ASAP given the level of importance. Hello? Anyone home at DPVA?

Senator Donald McEachin, a Vice-Chair of the DPVA further stated, “I am pleased to see that our system of laws and checks and balances has, once again, protected individuals from the over reach of figures in power. Attorney General Cuccinelli’s crusade has effectively been terminated by the court. The judge has ruled that the Attorney General failed to make a persuasive argument. Apparently the courts recognize what the majority of sensible Virginians recognize: that individuals at our academic institutions should be allowed to conduct research and that, even more important, the attorney general should not be attempting to use his office and his power to intimidate those who disagree with him on policy issues.

“I continue to have faith that our justice system will continue to protect individuals and organizations from the overreach of the attorney general and from his relentless pursuit of ideology at the expense of our rights and liberties,” Senator McEachin concluded.


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