Facts No Impediment to False Narrative of “Anti-Incumbent Mood.”


    What if the media narrative of outsider candidates is a lie?  What if incumbents are so lopsidedly ahead that there is absolutely no contest?  And what if it is unlikely that the GOP will take over at all?  

    Rachel Maddow scored another great clip with her fact checking the phony narrative of the “year of the outsider.”  No matter how many insiders win (and outsiders lose), Maddow reinforces, the media keeps up with their manipulation of voters.  

    324 incumbents have won their primaries, but only 7 challengers have won. Sarah Palin keeps losing with “her” Tea Party candidates too, but for some reason the media still keep promoting her mindless endorsements and prognostications.  “Lazy nonsense” and mindless repetition” (Maddow’s terms) are too generous.  It’s enough to make you ask what’s up with that?  And I’m afraid we know what that is.

    The media love a horse race and the profits resulting from such horse races. Unfortunately, they also sing from the the GOP’s corporate messaging songbook.  It’s a cynical game designed to undo needed federal programs for the benefit of the corporate elite.  

    The facts also explain the hysterical fulminating by the GOPhers, who each day are more in bed with the “Tea Party” haters.  Of course, the “Tea Parties” were brought to you by Republicans for the benefit of Republicans. It also explains (though absolutely does not justify) the  extremist lengths Southern-Strategy GOPhers are willing to go.  They are desperate.  And when they are desperate, they show who they really are.

    There is a message here for Dems: Stop cowering. Defend your president and ours.  Stand up for our Democratic (with an emphasis on democratic, with a little d, not Republican/corporate-light) values.  You will win if you stand for something significant for the 99-ers, the 98-99% of Americans you should be representing because no one else is.  This is NOT the year of the insurgent candidate, unless you make it so.  “Go forth and multiply” (Democratic seats), and stand strong.  


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