Keith Olbermann: White House Anger Should be Directed at “Professional RIGHT”


    I’m with Keith Olbermann on this one: I can understand the White House’s frustration with the “professional left,” but the ones they really should be angry at are the “professional right” – Beck, O’LIElly, Rush, Palin, etc. Also, I agree with Olbermann that this White House’s negotiation tactics – start just barely, if at all, left of center – leave much to be desired.  And please, White House, stop with the absurd, false equivalency between people like Keith Olbermann – people based in reality, people who overwhelmingly want you to succeed! – with people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh – people based in their own paranoia, fear, hatred, anger, bigotry, etc. and who want you to fail!  

    True, it’s always more hurtful to be criticized by your friends than by your enemies, but still, you White House guys really need to think about this and get some perspective – the “professional left” overwhelmingly (and yes, there are exceptions) wants you to succeed at making this a better country; the “professional right” wants to “break you.” Period. When you fully internalize that, you’ll be better off and so will the rest of us. Thank you.


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