Wait, Wasn’t Bob McDonnell Just Rewarding These Guys?


    I could have sworn that just a few months ago, Bob McDonnell was heaping praise – not to mention taxpayer dollars by the boatload – on Northrop Grumman for moving around 300 jobs to Virginia. Of course, a few months later, it turned out that Northrop Grumman could taketh away (laying off 330 people at Fort Eustis) just as they could giveth (supposedly 300 jobs coming our way, at a cost of $12-$14 million to Virginia taxpayers).  And now, it gets even worse.

    Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) called for an independent, third-party investigation into the massive computer failure that has left several state agencies crippled for five days.

    “I am not pleased that our employees and citizens have experienced this disruption in service,” McDonnell said in his first comments since the computer failure Wednesday…

    McDonnell announced in April that the state had reworked its massive $2.4 billion computer services contract with Northrop Grumman, extending the 10-year contract by three years and agreeing to pay the company over $100 million more than originally envisioned. State officials say the company’s financial penalties are likely to exceed $100,000.

    Ah, crony capitalism – aka, “corporate welfare” – run amok. Heckuva job, Bob McDonnell!


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