Home National Politics More GOP Insanity (Racism, Bestiality, Misogyny, Poor Farms): Carl Paladino

More GOP Insanity (Racism, Bestiality, Misogyny, Poor Farms): Carl Paladino


Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Republican Party nominee for Governor of New York, Carl Paladino.  We can add him to as Exhibit Z in support of our case, “The Republican Party Has Gone Completely Batshit Insane.”  By the way, Exhibits A through Y include Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Rand Paul, Dan Maes, Rick Scott, Ken Cuccinelli, Jim DeMint, Sideshow Bob Marshall, a bunch of climate change deniers like crazy Jim Inhofe, and many others too numerous to mention. With that, we rest our case.


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