Time to Volunteer!


    Have you noticed that the calendar changed last week?  Labor day has passed.  The kids are back in school. 


    Summer is over.  


    Its time for politics!


    Its time to Volunteer!

    Just think how much difference you can make.  If you can walk 120 doors per week, you can help 1,000 voters by election day.  If you can make 300 calls per week, you can help 2400 voters. 


    The elections going on around you that are competitive will be won or lost on the doorsteps and on the phones.  It is time to VOLUNTEER!

    I know you don't want any more Eric Cantor.  

    Visit www.nocantor.com  Volunteer!  Donate Food!  Bundle literature.  The city, the state, the nation — heck the whole of nature needs you to do this.  


    Do it!  VOLUNTEER!








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