Home Social Issues Speaker Pelosi to GLBT Young People: “It Gets Better”

Speaker Pelosi to GLBT Young People: “It Gets Better”


Can you imagine John BONEr, Eric Can’tor, Mitch McConnell or any other Republican or Tea Party leader cutting an “It Gets Better” video to GLBT young people?  As one commenter writes at Daily Kos, a “GOTea” video would be like this:

Boehner: “It gets better? Hell, no, it doesn’t!”

Palin: “It gets better once my pastor casts that gay demon outta ya!”

O’Donnell: “I’m not a gay.”

Romney: “It used to get better, but I can’t endorse that anymore.”

So true. So sad.

P.S. Did I mention how sick I am of watching Republican’ts bash this great woman, Nancy Pelosi, and of cowardly Democrats run away from her?  If you are too, send her an email (AmericanVoices@mail.house.gov) and thank her for the great work she’s done as Speaker of the House. Then, help GOTV on November 2 so we don’t move way backward with the guy who gets a hard-earned ZERO rating on GLBT issues from the Human Rights Campaign, John BONEr.

UPDATE: Oh, and don’t forget to watch Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns’ powerful, emotional “It Gets Better” video, after the “fold.”


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