In Spite of Dick Saslaw – and Uranium? – We Have a Candidate for Hurt’s Senate Seat


    In spite of Dick Saslaw’s demoralizing and defeatist comment about not wanting to “waste our money” competing for Robert Hurt’s Senate seat, Democrats now have a candidate.

    Henry A. “Hank” Davis Jr., the chairman of the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors, is expected to announce his candidacy for the 19th District Virginia Senate seat Friday during a series of four stops in the sprawling three-county district.

    Davis, a Democrat, will hold announcements on the Danville courthouse steps (9 a.m.), the Pittsylvania County courthouse steps (11 a.m.), the Franklin County courthouse steps (1 p.m.) and in front of the Altavista library (3 p.m.).

    I don’t know anything about Mr. Davis, but NotAndySere has some interesting thoughts about Virginia Uranium’s attempts to “[purchase] a State Senate seat,” possibly because Davis is apparently an opponent of uranium mining? Fascinating.

    P.S. Also interesting — Dick Saslaw co sponsored a uranium study bill as part of Sen. Frank Wagner’s SB 525 to establish a Virginia Uranium Mining Commission.  


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