Moonhowlings and Eric Byler on Cooch’s “Public Smack-Down” of Corey Stewart


    Moonhowlings has an excellent analysis of Attorney General (and witch hunter in chief) Ken Cuccinelli’s “public smack-down” of Corey Stewart and his so-called “Rule of Law Campaign.” As Moonhowlings writes, that campaign was nothing but “a cheap political ploy created to get Corey Stewart’s name in lights and usher him on in to higher state or national office,” not to mention “a sloppily crafted piece of legislation” which “either violates the Virginia or U.S. Constitution or adds new laws we can’t afford at every turn.”

    So true. And if all that’s not pathetic enough, there’s also the new study on the policy’s results, which “9500 Liberty” filmmaker Eric Byler discusses here. As Byler explains, “If Prince William County is a ‘model’ of any kind, it’s a model of a costly and dysfunctional way to end up with the preferred approach of the Obama Administration.”  

    Byler also has some thoughts on Cooch’s smack-down of Corey Stewart here. While I believe that Byler is far too generous to Cuccinelli and his motivations, claiming that Cooch actually wants to “skip the political theater, culture war, and grandstanding Corey Stewart has in mind, and dig straight down to the letter of the law,” I do agree with Byler that “the bluster that supports Chairman Stewart’s argument can be debunked just as thoroughly as the legalese.”  

    But c’mon, does anyone really believe that Ken Cuccinelli isn’t motivated overwhelmingly by his extremist ideology and his voracious political ambitions? Sure, a glimmer of truth may slip out occasionally, as in his conclusion that the “Rule of Law” was and is a complete joke, but that shouldn’t distract us from the core reality of who and what Cooch is.  For now, though, I’m just going to enjoy the sight of these two future rivals for statewide office, both far-right-wing nutjobs, battling it out.  Time for some popcorn!


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