Sorry Naysayers, Vibrant Holiday Sales Ahead


    This evening, my wife and I headed out to check the deals at Waynesboro’s Michaels and grab a few items. Nothing there anyone really must have, but lots of fun stuff. Somewhat unexpectedly, the store was packed with people looking for good deals and having a good time doing it.

    On Black Friday, post midnight tonight, here at the top of the Shenandoah: 3AM, Kohl’s opens; 4AM Target; 5AM Home Depot. Looks like Black Friday is going to signal economic strength. Despite all the anti-American blather from the right wing hucksters, the season may be joyful after all.

    UPDATE by Lowell, 5:00 pm: The New York Times reports, “Malls across the country reported overflowing parking lots, and stores reported lines out their doors, as Americans seemed – finally – to be spending again.”  The Obama recovery picking up steam? Sure looks like it!


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