Home Energy and Environment Dominion Virginia Power Study Indicates Major Offshore Wind Development “Feasible”

Dominion Virginia Power Study Indicates Major Offshore Wind Development “Feasible”


Check out Scaling Green for key points from Dominion Virginia Power’s Offshore Wind Integration Study.”

The bottom line is that Dominion Virginia Power appears to be seriously considering the potential for tapping into offshore wind power along the mid-Atlantic coast. This seems like a wise move at an opportune time by Dominion, given: 1) that region’s enormous wind power potential; 2) the Interior Department’s “Smart from the Start” Atlantic OCS Wind Initiative; and 3) recent news that “Google and a New York financial firm have each agreed to invest heavily in a proposed $5 billion transmission backbone for future offshore wind farms along the Atlantic Seaboard”

Unless, of course, the company decides that it’s happier staying locked in the dirty energy past, instead of moving into a bright new clean energy future. We’re hoping Dominion won’t miss this opportunity. We’ll be watching.

This should be fascinating to follow in coming months. Now that offshore oil development is (thankfully) off the table, offshore wind is the only game in town!


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