Home Energy and Environment Remembering BP’s Many Smokescreens

Remembering BP’s Many Smokescreens


Pulling Up Oiled Seaweed Off PensacolaI usually try to keep my personal posts separate from my work at the National Wildlife Federation. But I thought I’d share the link to a post I wrote at NWF’s blog on the top 10 heroes of the Gulf oil disaster.

It was interesting to think back on the first days of the disaster in light of what we know now. Can you believe BP claimed the gusher was only 200,000 gallons a day when it was closer to 200,000 gallons every few hours? Or that BP had live cameras of the gusher that it didn’t make public for weeks? And that the Obama administration didn’t object in either case until conservation activists & members of Congress protested?

Here’s a link to all my NWF posts.


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