“Farm Team” Directs Mumpower Campaign


    Hello, everyone!  First and foremost, let’s all be sure to do everything possible on Election Day, tomorrow – Tuesday, January 11 – to elect Ginger Mumpower to the House of Delegates 8th District seat in the Virginia General Assembly.

    Her opponent’s recent loss of his original Roanoke Times endorsement could be an important factor in tomorrow’s election, as will predictions of snow and freezing rain on an election that will most likely produce very low voter turnout.

    Therefore, if you live in the 8th HOD district – which consists of most of southern and western Roanoke County and Salem City – then most likely you can vote for Ginger Mumpower tomorrow.  

    If not, you can always help by offering rides to the polls, talking with friends and relatives who do live in the 8th HOD district, continuing to make telephone calls, etc., so please be sure to click on this link to Ginger’s campaign website:  http://www.gingerfordelegate.com/

    Regardless, Ginger’s campaign is deeply indebted to Mary Sue Terry’s state-wide “Farm Team” organization, which assumed most of the responsibility for the campaign’s direction and focus via northern Virginia’s Susan Platt, has donated much time and money to the effort and, locally, has placed Dawn Erdman and Linda Wyatt in charge of their activities here in the Roanoke Valley.

    Win, lose or draw, the “Farm Team” has assumed much ownership – and has certainly been directly and integrally involved – in the Ginger Mumpower campaign for Virginia’s 8th District House of Delegates election.

    Again, please be sure to do all that you can tomorrow to help get out the vote for Ginger.




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