“We’ve Agreed Not to Vandalize”


    The most honest and direct coverage of the continuing demonstrations in Egypt against the Mubarak regime continues to be that of Al-Jezeera in English. I find it striking that the protests have had such staying power, that the women are joining—- that means this is a serious revolution, when the mothers come out on the streets, as they did in Eastern Europe, creating the fall of Communism in the satellite states of the Soviet Union, and even in Russia itself, bringing about the final end of  Communist control. It is also remarkable that the military have not either struck a hard blow against the demonstrators—- nor have they joined them overtly.

    In the video you will hear from some of the demonstrators. Revolutions go through stages; the opening scenarios almost always are not violent, and they are often crushed by The Establishment, which imagines that using overwhelming force will end the matter, and sometimes that seems to work, for a while…. but it is a postponement, not a victory for The Establishment. The demonstrators in Egypt now seem to have little organization, and are hoping that their very peacefulness and persistence will get rid of their hated overlord. They want the outside world to help them. Here is the video:


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