One last appeal for your support


    The Democracy for America contest for scholarships to Netroots Nation goes through tomorrow.  The top 3 votegetters win automatic scholarships.  If you look here, you will see I am in 2nd place, apparently comfortably.  But the woman in 1st got 1100 in one day (which is why she is in first – my best day was 275) and the woman currently in 4th has over 200 in the past 24 hours.

    I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me.  If you have not yet voted for me, please do.

    If you can get others to vote for me, I’d be very grateful.  

    You can click on my picture on the link above, or simply click here –  you can then add your vote and see whom you are joining in supporting me.  Thanks


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