Home National Politics Rep. Connolly: Republicans Have Yet to Bring Single Jobs Bill to House...

Rep. Connolly: Republicans Have Yet to Bring Single Jobs Bill to House Floor


Well said by Rep. Connolly!

…Today we debate the rule on whether or not to fund National Public Radio. This is an ideologically-driven attempt at defunding a revered American institution, and the reason is, because you don’t like its content. You can’t stand balanced, objective news, so let’s defund it. Regardless of whether one supports NPR or not, and I do, we can all be clear that this bill does not do one thing — it does NOT create jobs.  We’ve been here for 11 weeks, Mr. Speaker, and the Republican majority has yet to bring a single jobs bill to the floor of the House…I ask my colleagues, turn away from this ideologically driven debate on National Public Radio and let’s get down to basics, let’s pass a jobs bill…


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