Virginia April 4th “We Are One” Events


    On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis where he had gone to stand with 1300 sanitation workers demanding their dream: the right to bargain collectively for a voice at work and a better life. The workers were trying to form a union with AFSCME.

    As President and CEO of the NAACP Ben Jealous explained, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. viewed the struggle of working people and the struggle for racial equality as one fight. One fight for justice.

    Across our country, we’re fighting together for the rights of all workers to bargain for a middle class life, our right to a voice in the political process and the respect that all people deserve.

    It's with this in mind that community organizations, students, labor unions, people of faith, religious leaders, small business owners and workers from all sectors are coming together to celebrate April 4th as a national day of solidarity and consciousness.

    Check out the website for information on how to plan your own event, latest details on events near you, web goodies, fliers, and resources for allies.

    Below is a list (so far) of public events planned around the Commonwealth.

    BNA Guild Rally for Workers' Rights- Arlington

    Castlewood Rally MOVED TO ABINGDON

    Abingdon Rally

    Leesburg Rally

    Richmond Rally

    Roanoke Candlelight Vigil

    Rally and March in Williamsburg


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